Disapprove meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disapprove
As noun : नापसंद करना Ex:  Action disapprove
As verb :
अननुमोदन करना Ex:  My parents disapprove my ideas. अननुमोदित करना Ex:  I disapprove of her child rearing methods अनुमोदन न करना Ex:  I disapprove of her choice for maid of honor . अस्वीकार करना Ex:  Although clergy and civil authorities disapprove उपसंहरण Ex:  These two were assassinated and Muhammad did not disapprove of it. ननुकारना Ex:  Action disapprove पराकरण Ex:  to claim the right to not let something you disapprove प्रबाधन Ex:  While receiving, receiving bad also means approve, disapprove मान्यता न देना Ex:  While receiving, receiving bad also means approve, disapprove
Other : नापसन्द करना Ex:  highly disapprove of what a person निंदा करना Ex:  It also means simply blame, sternly disapprove निन्दा करना Ex:  Nodding his head, Mark, by suddenly raising his head above, we disapprove something or they do not care
Disapprove synonyms
veto denounce decry oppose reject dislike deplore discountenance slam reprove reprehend damn pan reprobate dismiss censure disallow blame nix spurn disesteem detract disfavor refuse criticize deprecate chastise expostulate remonstrate look down on turn down zing discommend dispraise find fault with find unacceptable frown on look askance at object to pass on set aside take dim view of take exception to
Disapprove antonyms
ratify sanction compliment praise exalt laud welcome permit allow approve commend promote accept endorse agree like love
Usage of Disapprove in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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