Disarray meaning in hindi
As noun : उलट पलट Ex:  He withdrew in disarray in December 1589, having lost half his troops.
उलटलट Ex:  This engagement ended in disarray after about a year. उलठ पलठ Ex:  Put an army in the field, routed, fleeing in disorder, disarray in फेरफार रदबदल
Other : अव्यवस्था Ex:  The kingdom didn't plan the settlement to be in such disarray क्रम भंग क्रमभंग करना क्रमभंग विपर्यास
Disarray ki paribhasha : idhar ka udhar kiya hua
ExamplesDisarray synonyms
anarchy disharmony chaos shambles discomposure disorganization upset muddle unruliness snarl clutter disarrangement jumble tangle untidiness topsy-turviness indiscipline ataxia dishevelment holy mess unholy mess Disarray antonyms
tidiness orderliness harmony organization neatness peace arrangement Usage of Disarray in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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