Disbelief meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disbelief
As noun : अज्यास Ex:  There were cries of disbelief when Sachin was given LBW out.
अविश्वास Ex:  They also expressed disbelief that slabs would split so smoothly उ:   फलतः उनके बीच अविश्वास के कारण कोई सन्धिवार्ता सफल नहीं हो पाती थी। कृफुर Ex:  It is also used to express disbelief बेएतबारी Ex:  It is sometimes used in everyday language to express astonishment or disbelief हेतुदृष्टि Ex:  , Which wants to prove too much proves nothing too eager to want to convince of something causes suspicion, disbelief
Other : अश्रद्धा Ex:  interjection marking irony disbelief
Disbelief ki paribhasha : .... apratyay
Disbelief synonyms
distrust incredulity mistrust rejection unbelief nihilism atheism dubiety repudiation spurning unbelievingness unfaith
Disbelief antonyms
ratification belief certainty confidence faith trust
Usage of Disbelief in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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