Discarded meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Discarded
As noun : आविद्ध Ex:  The attic in his house is full of flotsam and jetsam discarded over the years.
उत्तालित Ex:  Most of the possible settings would cause contradictions and be discarded उदस्त Ex:  They also discarded Western medicine प्रणुन्न Ex:  The top four MSBs are discarded in the randomization प्रमुक्त Ex:  This option has never entirely been discarded प्रविध्वस्त Ex:  Bismarck was discarded प्रास्त Ex:  Goods scrap, discarded things, goods, things that have been discarded or which deserve to be फेंका हुआ Ex:  It is mainly used when it comes to proposals we disagree, which is discarded भ्रंशित Ex:  The litigant has only reproduce its resources that have already been discarded विंनय Ex:  The past participle is used adjectively in a number of expressions: Country lost, discarded Country विनिः सृष्ट Ex:  White Water, Water in which sound was discarded for the horses to drink विनिक्षिप्त Ex:  It still means a place hidden, discarded व्याविद्ध Ex:  These are discarded furniture संप्रहित सन्यस्त
Other : अलग Ex:  they discarded all their inessentials उ:   यानी सात दिन सात अलग अलग संगीतकार। अवधूत Ex:  Syringes should be discarded after use. उपेक्षित Ex:  The idea of 'larger' spaces is discarded उ:   इसे उपेक्षित उष्णकटिबंधीय रोगके रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है।
Discarded synonyms
damaged abandoned neglected forsaken repudiated deserted outmoded discontinued castaway obsolete out-of-date run-down useless worn-out shelved junked scrapped castoff done with thrown away thrown out
Discarded antonyms
up-to-date worthwhile cherished kept
Usage of Discarded in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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