Discomfort meaning in hindi
As noun : अजीयत Ex: Flies caused discomfort to the sleeping child.
अनचैन० Ex: While he occasionally shows discomfort अशांति Ex: Fifty-five percent of men report discomfort during prostate biopsy. उ: इस दिशा का वास्तुदोष दुर्घटना, रोग एवं मानसिक अशांति देता है। असुख Ex: Dental problems left Washington in constant discomfort असुविधा Ex: While drinking too much water during activities can lead to physical discomfort उ: ऐसा इसलिए किया जाता है कि बाद में चिकित्सकीय असुविधा न हो। आभील Ex: discomfort from heat आरिजा Ex: discomfort status, physical or mental discomfort, caused by something that fatigue bothering आस्त्रव Ex: Feel welfare, discomfort कदर्थन Ex: Feeling discomfort कषट Ex: FREE That also means sometimes feel no compulsion, no discomfort कषट्ट Ex: Getting the mind to the discomfort for something Worry, worry, make great efforts of mind कष्ट Ex: He got the mind to find this demonstration discomfort to उ: इसीलिए उन्हें कष्ट भोगना पडा। कष्टि Ex: He suffers, he is already feeling the discomfort कसट्ट Ex: I always feel a little discomfort in his presence कृच्छ Ex: In terms of veterinary Art ajar Horse, Horse who made some effort and that is straddled by a movement so violent that it left him the discomfort called Entrouverture गढ़्ढ Ex: It has a little discomfort in breathing घबरा देना Ex: It is figuratively called Any expense, all that makes it necessary to do some spending, what causes embarrassment, discomfort घांघल Ex: It means figuratively Sort of anxiety or discomfort resulting from obscure causes डाँभ Ex: of both genders who don ' is not convenient, the use of which causes discomfort to दुःखता Ex: Place is not sustainable, We can not remain there without discomfort or without peril दुःखी करना Ex: Stay with me there will be room for everyone, and you do me any discomfort causerez दूझ Ex: The darkness of this style brings the reader's mind to the discomfort धाधक हाहू Ex: The discomfort of the परिक्षति Ex: The health of this man was very experienced, it is well discomfort in point प्रेष Ex: This verb is hardly employs as its past participle, which is usually an adjective and means Who is lame, including walking is painful because of some discomfort प्रैष Ex: This woman is the discomfort in her corset बंकम Ex: With discomfort बदअमली Ex: , Having the rail pad or throat, says a person who eats or drinks extremely hot, without experiencing discomfort or who makes great use either spice or strong liqueurs बिद्दत बिरोग ‡ भवभय मुजर्रत मुसीबत उ: इन्होने मुसीबत से समय सैंयम कायम रखते हुए स्थिति पर नियत्रण किया। मेहनत उ: इसके लिए इन्हें बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ी लेकिन सफलता भी मिली। मोह उ: पूरे मार्ग पर शानदार और हैरतअंगेज दृश्य आपका मन मोह लेंगे। रंजूरी विकल करना विकलता उ: उसमें विरह की विकलता नहीं है, व्यथा की गंभीरता है। विकलाई विबाधा विराधान वैकृतविवर्त वैचित्य वैधुर्य वैशस व्याक्षोभ संक्लेश संपीड़ा सकेती ‡ सालु
Discomfort ki paribhasha : aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho jo kramashaः buri haalat ko pahuancha ho
ExamplesDiscomfort synonyms
annoyance hardship soreness disquiet embarrassment uneasiness displeasure ache trouble unpleasantness distress discomposure upset hurt malaise discomfiture nuisance inquietude vexation nettle discompose disturb perturb make uncomfortable Discomfort antonyms
delight happiness advantage assistance calm easiness relief pleasure comfort blessing ease peace soothe aid alleviate please help relieve Usage of Discomfort in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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