Disconcerted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disconcerted
As noun : संभ्रमित Ex:  This reply disconcerted the
Other :
खिसियाना Ex:  He made a maneuver that disconcerted the enemy चुरकुट Ex:  The approach of the enemy disconcerted निष्प्रभ Ex:  The enemies of the alliance were disconcerted
Disconcerted synonyms
thrown perturbed bewildered unsettled distracted upset embarrassed disturbed troubled annoyed mixed-up spaced-out flustered unzipped fazed nonplussed rattled ruffled caught off balance come apart in botheration messed-up out of countenance psyched-out shook-up taken aback unglued
Disconcerted antonyms
settled composed concerted happy calm soothed unworried
Usage of Disconcerted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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