Disconcertment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disconcertment
Disconcertment ki paribhasha : aisi avastha jisamen kya kahana ya karana chaahie, yah na soojh pade
Disconcertment synonyms
undoing humiliation agitation conquest shame uneasiness abashment perturbation descent ruin disquiet overthrow beating demoralization comedown chagrin confusion unease failure discomposure upset disappointment defeat vexation rout defeasance vanquishment disconcertion puzzlement stupor bewilderment muddle befuddlement fog stupefaction daze perplexity bewilderedness
Disconcertment antonyms
building success calm victory win delight happiness attainment surrender creation elevation triumph ascent peace boost pleasure yielding understanding
Usage of Disconcertment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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