Discontinuity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Discontinuity
As noun : अंतराल Ex:  The crust is separated from the mantle by the Mohorovičić discontinuity उ:   इस बीच के अंतराल को ही चातुर्मास कहा गया है।
असातत्य उ:   ग्रेनाइटिक और बेसाल्टिक परत के मध्य कोनराड असातत्य पाया जाता है। विचाल सांतरता
Other : अतंराल Ex:  Procedure prescription Sort destroys and cancels civil proceedings, where there has been discontinuity prosecution for a limited time
Discontinuity ki paribhasha : ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen kaaryakaaran ke bich desha-kaala-snbndhi anyathaatv dikhaaya jaaya, arthaat srashtiniyam ke viruddh kaaran kahin bataaya jaay aur kaary kahin kisi niyat samay men honevaale kaary ka kisi doosare samay men hona dikhaaya jaay
Usage of Discontinuity in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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