Discreet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Discreet
As adjective : अप्रमत्त Ex:  I should make few discreet enquiries about him before I marry.
अवसर देख कर बात करने वाला Ex:  This service floor, if it existed at all, was now a discreet semi-basement. कार्यचिंतक Ex:  Bernstein tried to be as discreet as possible with his extramarital liaisons. चेतंत Ex:  A discreet man धिष्णय Ex:  A discreet man reserves his friends for essential occasions न्याययसंगत Ex:  A woman discreet पृथक Ex:  By extension, His behavior was very discreet उ:   प्रभाजक आसवन से ये पृथक किए जा सकते हैं। पृष्ठपाती Ex:  C is a discreet boy प्रथुक Ex:  Confident discreet मुख्तलिफ Ex:  In a discreet way युक्तमना Ex:  It has exercised a quite discreet way विचक्षण Ex:  It is very discreet व्यपेक्ष व्यपेक्षक सँजवल सँजूत संयत्त सहस्त्राक्ष सावचेत ‡ सावधान उ:   भगवान ने कहा, "पार्थ! सावधान हो जाओ। सावहित सुबुद्धि स्वांतस्थ
Other : न्यायशील Ex:  By extension, discreet Toilette विवेकशील उ:   शासक विवेकशील हों, योद्धा वीर और श्रमिक मेहनती तथा विनम्र। शऊर
Discreet ki paribhasha : jo kisi vishay ka achchha gyaata ho vah jisamen kisi vishay ko sochane vichaarane ki achchhi shakti ho vah jo abhiyogon aadi ka nyaay karata ho shrrangaar ras men naayak ka ek bhed
Discreet synonyms
noncommittal watchful prudent tactful considerate thoughtful reasonable attentive careful intelligent restrained alert awake cagey calculating chary circumspect civil conservative diplomatic discerning discriminating gingerly guarded heedful judicious moderate observant politic reserved safe sagacious strategic temperate vigilant wary wise worldly-wise controlled having foresight like a clam not rash on lookout precautious
Discreet antonyms
inattentive negligent incautious unthoughtful inconsiderate heedless idiotic stupid foolish indiscreet rash reckless careless thoughtless unmindful uncareful undiscerning
Usage of Discreet in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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