Discrete meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Discrete
As noun : अमीत Ex:  Even the evolution of simple discrete systems
अलग Ex:  Ordinary smallpox generally produces a discrete rash उ:   अलग अलग देशों में साक्षरता के अलग अलग मानक हैं। अलगार Ex:  Both discrete and continuous symmetries play prominent role in geometry असंश्लिष्ट Ex:  By assuming that light actually consisted of discrete energy packets इकौसे Ex:  Most of the objects treated in most branches of game theory are discrete उद्धुत Ex:  This is an example of a discrete uniform distribution. उलिंगण Ex:  In most districts, discrete residential suburbs are bounded by access roads. ओलग Ex:  Mountain creation tends to occur in discrete periods दरकिनार Ex:  In addition to making substantial use of discrete categories निरानी Ex:  When continents are defined as discrete landmasses प्रविरल Ex:  If the operator's spectrum is discrete प्रविविक्त Ex:  In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values . फरके Ex:  Second, there may not be discrete subgrouping फरक्क ‡ Ex:  Since the energy levels of electrons in atoms are discrete बरतरफ Ex:  The text consists of over 170,000 discrete glyphs बिभग Ex:  Henry Cavendish was the first to recognize hydrogen gas as a discrete substance बोहर Ex:  Colors, discrete shades उ:   अतः हम कैसे मान सकते हैं कि बोहर के ये आर्बिट वास्तविक आर्बिट हैं। मुख्तलिफ Ex:  The arithmetic has to be discrete amount of मुबर्रा विपृक् व्यपवृक्त
As adjective : प्रथक् Ex:  At that time there were just three discrete continents: Afro-Eurasia-America
Other : असतत Ex:  Particles are discrete विभिन्न उ:   विभिन्न उद्योगों का भारत मे विकास अभूत्पूर्व है।
Discrete ki paribhasha : nilam ka ek dosh jisake kaaran pahananevaale ko pati, putraadi ka shok praapt hona maana jaata hai
Discrete synonyms
distinct various disconnected detached different discontinuous diverse separate several unattached
Discrete antonyms
connected similar combined joined attached
Usage of Discrete in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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