Discussion meaning in hindi
As noun : अमूर Ex:  The forgoing discussion of the isuue was based on subjective analyses.
आलोचनाआ Ex:  a lively discussion कटाकटी Ex:  After some discussion we finally made up कलकल Ex:  politicize the discussion कानाकानी Ex:  They came in for discussion quite late. गुफ्तोशनीद Ex:  The discussion got livened towards the end. गुफ्तोशनीद Ex:  The discussion got livened towards the end. चर्कृति Ex:  See here for a more substantial discussion and चर्चा Ex:  For the purposes of the present discussion उ: चर्चा प्रमुख प्रश्नों पर केंद्रित होगी। चार्चा Ex:  Aristotle concludes Poetics with a discussion on which जवाबसवाल Ex:  For the most part this discussion of logic deals only with deductive logic. तर्क वितर्क Ex:  Euclid's text Elements is the earliest known systematic discussion of geometry. तर्कवितर्क Ex:  The same reference is also used in any discussion to which Greece is a party परिचर्चा Ex:  For discussion of non-spectral colors, see below. उ: परिचर्चा का आरम्भ २००६ में हुआ। बहस Ex:  The Free World Allies opened a discussion on August 1 उ: राजनीतिक बहस चलाने पर विशेषरूप से ध्यान दिया। मुबाहिसा Ex:  After much discussion वाद विवाद Ex:  The Birth of Tragedy, to a discussion of the origins of Greek tragedy. वादप्रतिवाद Ex:  After much discussion विमर्श Ex:  For discussion of their relationship, see Beethoven and his contemporaries. उ: चित् का अपने को इस रूप में देखने को ही विमर्श कहते हैं। व्यतिक्षेप Ex:  There was much discussion over whether the remains were actually of a heart. समुल्लेख Ex:  See also the discussion of complexity below. सवालजबाब Ex:  He announced that after four months of discussion
Other : गोष्ठी Ex:  After more discussion पर्यालोचन Ex:  Before heading into this discussion बात Ex:  In his discussion of "Spirit" in his Encyclopedia उ: यह बात उनके उदाहरणों से भी प्रमाणित है। वाद Ex:  Callas and Rudolph Bing were in discussion about her season at the Met. उ: चर्चा सामान्य वाद विवाद से आरंभ होती है। वादविवाद Ex:  The above discussion emphasizes worldwide energy balance. वितर्क Ex:  In the discussion that followed विवाद Ex:  In this discussion the work of Jonathan A. Goldstein उ: परिवार का विवाद अंतिम तिनका बन गया। विवेचन Ex:  In 1672, the French government invited Leibniz to Paris for discussion उ: अब जर्मनी दार्शनिक विवेचन का केन्द्र बना। शास्त्रार्थ Ex:  Germline therapy is the subject of much discussion उ: उन्होंने अनेक शास्त्रार्थ किए। संवाद Ex:  The Junto was a discussion group for issues of the day उ: संवाद कहानी का प्रमुख अंग होते हैं।
Discussion ki paribhasha : pichhale shubhaashubh karmon ki man ke oopar bani hui bhaavana ya vaasana kisi baat ya vastu par jabaani jhagad kisi ke gun dosh aadi jaanane ke liye use achchhi tarah se dekhane bhaalane ka kaary kisi shaastriy vishay par vaadavivaad karana ek tark ke uparaant honevaala doosara tark kisi vishay ko siddh karane ke liye uttar pratyuttar ke saath baatachit
ExamplesDiscussion synonyms
conference dialogue deliberation exchange review argument analysis controversy conversation discourse consultation examination symposium interview consideration scrutiny meeting debate dispute argumentation huddle contention dissertation powwow excursus colloquy altercation confabulation canvass disputation quarrel wrangling groupthink ventilation Discussion antonyms
quiet silence agreement harmony peace Usage of Discussion in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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