Disgrace meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगुश्तनुमाई Ex: His behavior has brought disgrace on himself and on his family.
अउहेर, अउहरी Ex: Igelström was recalled in disgrace अकृपा करना Ex: The Neapolitan campaign is now considered something of a disgrace to his name. अकृपा Ex: Peter then had to choose between returning to Portugal in disgrace अपमान Ex: be in disgrace उ: मंत्री इसे अपमान समझ उस समय तो वहां से चले गए। अमानना Ex: For disgrace fills उपमर्द Ex: He patiently bears his disgrace कदर्थन Ex: He said, figuratively , the woes which one is threatened disgrace that occur suddenly or in public affairs or in the fortunes of individuals कलंक Ex: His imprudence did disgrace उ: कलंक धोने की उनकी बेचैनी उनके चेहरे पर दिखाई देती है। कलंकित करना Ex: I reached out to him in his disgrace कलंकित Ex: I want you to participate in my favor, as you have participated in my disgrace कलंक लगाना Ex: It figuratively said a person falling from a post or high position because of a disgrace or misfortune कारिखी Ex: It is a disgrace for them कालिमा Ex: It is said, to similar effect, be threatened with disgrace of bankruptcy, etc खिफ्फत Ex: It was wrapped in the disgrace of his protector गूहाछीछी Ex: Making the trial to the memory of a man ; cherish, honor, disgrace his memory छिद्रता Ex: Nero is a disgrace of human जलालत Ex: Putting a child in disgrace झेँप Ex: Putting a child in disgrace झेँपना Ex: REMEDY also said figuratively of Everything which is used to prevent, to overcome, to stop some misfortune, some inconvenience, some disgrace दृष्टि से गिराना Ex: Such men are a disgrace to humanity नकार दिया जाना Ex: Termination of favor, disgrace नक्कार Ex: The disgrace to it arrival was extremely mortified पदच्यूति Ex: This is the real cause of his disgrace परिभव Ex: This misfortune, accident it happened by God's punishment, punishment by God, it is God who sent him this disgrace to judgment, to correct the पानी उतारना Ex: Wipe the shame of a refusal, a disgrace मानपरिखंडन लछण लज्जा का कारण लज्जित होना विमानना व्रीड़न व्री़डित शर्म की बात शर्म उ: यह शर्म से छुटकारा पाने में मदद करता है। हून हृणिया, हृणीया ह्लीका
As verb : अपमान करना Ex: The dispute ended in the disgrace of Chelebi on charges of intrigue परिभवन Ex: We do not know where does his disgrace
Other : अयश Ex: He fell ill, and worse, to disgrace fills or simply to crown he lost shortly after, all his property कालिक Ex: It is also used figuratively and signifies Breaking in a great misfortune, in a big disgrace in great danger कालिख Ex: It is not known the cause, the subject of his disgrace किरकिरी Ex: It occurred to him disgrace उ: इस पूरे प्रकरण में सीबीआई की काफी किरकिरी हुई। निरादर Ex: This disgrace alters his rest, his happiness भद्द Ex: , a reversal of fortune or just a setback, a disgrace an accident that changes a good situation into a bad रुसवा
Disgrace ki paribhasha : jisamen muracha laga ho antaःkaran ki vah avastha jisamen svabhaavataः athava apane kisi bhadde ya bure aacharan ki bhaavana ke kaaran vasaron ke saamane vrattiyaaan snkuchit ho jaati hain, chepta mnd pad jaati hai, muanh se, shavd nahin nikalata sir nicha ho jaata hai aur saamane taaka nahin jaata chndrama par kaala daag
ExamplesDisgrace synonyms
ignominy humiliation dishonor degradation disrespect scorn stigma opprobrium reproach contempt culpability prostitution debasement disrepute blemish put-down scandal obloquy defamation meanness contumely derision discredit blur stain corruption comedown infamy slight slur brand spot disesteem abuse disfavor odium abasement baseness turpitude taint tarnish slander venality pollution black eye ill repute humbling disbarment debasing ingloriousness sully defile disparage stigmatize defame degrade besmirch humiliate derogate lower blot expel libel attaint humble reduce disregard desecrate deride snub ridicule depress mock lose face put down tar and feather give a black eye take down a peg Disgrace antonyms
praise admiration flattery commendation compliment adulation cleanliness goodness purification boon morality virtue elevation credit esteem honor approval regard respect exaltation purify laud upgrade increase welcome approve elevate tell truth Usage of Disgrace in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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