Disgraceful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disgraceful
As adjective :
अपमानजनक Ex:  His disgraceful performance in the public exam annoyed his parents. अपयशकर Ex:  An outrage, disgraceful affront कलंककर Ex:  Dress a disgraceful manner, which released the neck down in shoulders, speaking of a garment कल‌ंकास्पद Ex:  , Only the disgraceful that lose, lack of boldness and confidence, we lack good opportunities लज्जाजनक लज्जापयिता लज्जाप्रद लज्जावह लज्जास्पद
Disgraceful synonyms
shocking ignominious degrading contemptible scandalous blameworthy detestable dishonorable disreputable ignoble infamous inglorious mean offensive opprobrious shabby shady shoddy unworthy discreditable unrespectable
Disgraceful antonyms
exalted honorable respectable
Usage of Disgraceful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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