Dishonor meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dishonor
As noun : अंगुश्तनुमाई Ex:  he was resigned to a life of dishonor
अनहेलना Ex:  Absolutely Such affront dishonor अवज्ञा करना Ex:  decrying seek to dishonor to lose reputation by words or by his writings अस्वीकृति Ex:  Encourage someone to decay, to dishonor him by attending the rabble उलंघना उलँघना Ex:  For extension These revelations dishonor his memory उवलाँघना Ex:  infamy, dishonor कलंक Ex:  It also means shame, dishonor उ:   उनका मानना है कि "अशिक्षित" समाज देश पर सबसे बड़ा कलंक है। कलंकित करना Ex:  It still means humiliation, dishonor कारिखी Ex:  Report, illustrate, dishonor his name गूहाछीछी Ex:  This will dishonor you छिद्रता Ex:  To impute dishonor to दाग लगाना Ex:  Who dishonors, which tends to dishonor नकार Ex:  You can meet him, it shall not be a disgrace to you, it dishonor points will make you उ:   विलीज ने और अधिक समय के लिए कहा लेकिन इसे नकार दिया गया। परुआ ‡ Ex:  You dishonor it by your speeches बआबरूई Ex:  , Have lost all shame, be shamelessly insensitive to dishonor बेइज्जती करना Ex:  , Make it a great dishonor बेइज्जती Ex:  , Souiller, dishonor the layer someone a, Abusing someone's wife उ:   इस बेइज्जती को कीर्तिपुर के लोग अब भी याद करते है। मुँहकाला मुकर जाना लछण हतकइज्जती
Other : अस्वीकृत करना Ex:  Dishonor family, Committing an action, leading a life that is dishonor to his family
Dishonor ki paribhasha : svikaar na karane ki kriya ya bhaav na ya nahin ka bodhak shabd ya vaaky nahin chndrama par kaala daag
Dishonor synonyms
reproach opprobrium disgrace obloquy odium abasement ignominy discourtesy infamy slight indignity discredit disesteem degradation blame disfavor disrepute abuse scandal outrage offense insult affront sully debase defile disoblige debauch attaint defame slander blot libel corrupt disconsider give a black eye make lose face reflect on
Dishonor antonyms
dignity compliment praise commendation happiness honor respect approval regard esteem credit clean purify cleanse improve exalt dignify upgrade
Usage of Dishonor in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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