Disinterested meaning in hindi
As adjective : अनास्थ Ex:  She showed a disinterested act of kindness towards the poor.
अपरत Ex:  While the Duke of Lerma had been disinterested in the affairs of their ally अप्रयत्न Ex:  A pure and disinterested zeal अलिप्त Ex:  Council interested, disinterested अलोलु Ex:  For me, I am totally disinterested in this matter अस्पृह Ex:  He disinterested all those who had participated in the case, which had rights to assert अहितवद्ध Ex:  Show yourself disinterested in this case, you will be especially felt उदासिता उदासीन उ: वे संगठन के अंतर्गत ज़मीनी चिंताओं के प्रति उदासीन या शायद अनजान थे। निःसंग निःसम्बन्ध निःस्वार्थी निरमर्ष निरुस्तुक निर्लिप्त निश्काम निष्प्रतीप मुबर्रा विकौतुक विमध्यम सनिर्विशेष स्वार्थरहित
Other : उपरत उ: तब वे प्रस्तोता आदि अपने-अपने कर्मों से उपरत हो मौन होकर बैठ गए । निष्काम उ: निष्काम कर्म का गीता का संदेश प्रबंधन गुरुओं को भी लुभा रहा है।
Disinterested ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka vah lakshan jo usake svaroop ko lekar nahin balki usake gun aur dharm aadi ko lekar bata- laaya jaay vah manushy jisamen kisi prakaar ki kaamanaa, aasakti ya ichchha na ho baarah prakaar ke raajaaon men vah raaja jo do raajaaon ke bich yuddh hote samay kisi ki or na ho, kinaare rahe jisamen apane matalab ka kuchh lagaav na ho
ExamplesDisinterested synonyms
impartial dispassionate unbiased neutral aloof indifferent unselfish casual candid equitable even-handed impersonal lackadaisical negative nonpartisan outside perfunctory remote unconcerned unprejudiced withdrawn incurious just watching the clock not giving a damn uncurious Disinterested antonyms
biased subjective interested partial prejudiced feeling involved concerned passionate Usage of Disinterested in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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