Disjointed meaning in hindi
As verb : अप्रसक्त Ex:  The film was so disjointed that I couldnt understand.
अमेली Ex:  A liner that was disjointed अयुव Ex:  Make a point to a folder that is disjointed असंबद्ध Ex:  Sew one thing that is disjointed or torn असंवध Ex:  The two bodies were disjointed ऊटपटाँग Ex:  We noticed some disjointed in his remarks ऊरमधूरम पाल्लाविक
As adjective : जोड़ अलग करना
Other : विच्छिन्न
ExamplesDisjointed synonyms
incoherent jumbled rambling confused separated displaced disordered divided muddled split cool aimless discontinuous far-out fitful fuzzy inchoate irrational spasmodic unattached unconnected unorganized spaced-out disunited incohesive out-of-it out-to-lunch spacey Disjointed antonyms
coherent connected contiguous ordered united jointed Usage of Disjointed in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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