Disloyal meaning in hindi
As adjective : अभक्त Ex:  Oppenheimer is disloyal to the United States," Teller replied that: However
अराजभक्त Ex:  Ami, allied, associated disloyal कृतर्निदक चारचश्म डिसलायल नमकहराम निष्ठाहीन फिरा हुआ बे ईमान भक्ति हीन राजद्रोही राज्यविरोधी उ: इसलिए राज्यविरोधी क्रांति चर्चविरोधी भी हो। विश्वासघाती हकफरामोश
Disloyal ki paribhasha : vah jo prachalit shaasanapranaali athava raay ke viruddh vidroh kare vah jo kisi ka diya hua ann khaakar usi ka droh kare
ExamplesDisloyal synonyms
disaffected untrustworthy alienated apostate cheating faithless perfidious recreant seditious snaky subversive traitorous treacherous two-faced two-timing untrue wormlike treasonable unpatriotic false double-crossing estranged unloyal Disloyal antonyms
loyal trustworthy faithful true Usage of Disloyal in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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