Dismayed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dismayed
As noun : आविद्ध Ex:  Mayor Bolton was not dismayed by the result
आसहर Ex:  It is his kindest album and most dismayed त्यक्तात्मा Ex:  The decision to launch the war in Chechnya dismayed many in the West. नाउम्मेद Ex:  Sutter was dismayed by this निभरोसी Ex:  Toscanini fans and record collectors were dismayed because निराश Ex:  The twenty-two were dismayed at progress and wanted to reorganize the sorority. उ:   वह निराश होकर वहाँ से लौट गया। प्रविषण्ण Ex:  Vasilevsky, it seems, was dismayed by Rokossovsky's opposition to the transfer. भिन्नहृदय Ex:  By extension, Air, dismayed face
Other : अवसन्न Ex:  We were dismayed at Indian teams poor performance. हतोत्साहित Ex:  The hardness of this response dismayed
Dismayed synonyms
dispirit rattle frighten puzzle unnerve agitate confound shake horrify terrify dumbfound disillusion bewilder flummox appall daunt disquiet perplex bother disconcert nonplus disturb fluster embarrass mystify discourage dishearten faze alarm upset scare paralyze discomfit discompose distress terrorize affright snafu unhinge abash throw chill foul up mess up put off screw up louse up get to muck up take aback throw into a tizzy
Dismayed antonyms
appease placate soothe calm comfort gladden explain quiet enlighten delight explicate embolden aid hearten reassure incite clarify encourage clear up make happy please help inspirit settle order
Usage of Dismayed in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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