Disorderly meaning in hindi
As noun : उल्टा पुल्टा Ex:  His manners are very disorderly
As adjective :
अठाई० Ex:  the disorderly retreat of French troops अस्त व्यस्त एवं गन्दा Ex:  A disorderly house अस्त व्यस्त Ex:  A disorderly passion for hunting उच्छृन्खल Ex:  disorderly Love उच्श्रृंखल Ex:  Disturbing Causer also means a disorderly agitation उत्पाती Ex:  For exaggeration, A disorderly hunger गडबड Ex:  It is used colloquially and substantively, figuratively, to denote a person without morals, without principles, including disorderly conduct is दंगा करनेवाला Ex:  Life, disorderly conduct धमारो Ex:  Mixing and confused disorderly शास्र विरुद्ध Ex:  In a confused and disorderly manner
Other : अव्यवस्थित Ex:  A disorderly conduct उच्छृंखल Ex:  By extension, Female disorderly क्रम Ex:  It employs more than in the familiar expression Conduct a disorderly life, Lead a life of pleasure, a disorderly life उ: दों को किसी क्रम में व्यवस्थित किया गया हो। नियम विरुद्ध Ex:  This man led a libertine life, His conduct is disorderly विश्रृंखल Ex:  TO THE DEVIL In a disorderly
ExamplesDisorderly synonyms
chaotic undisciplined disorganized jumbled confused heterogeneous indiscriminate irregular scattered slovenly topsy-turvy tumult unkempt unrestrained untrained cluttered unsystematic all over the place dislocated mixed up out-of-control out-of-line out-of-step out-of-whack scrambled uncombed unmethodical fractious rowdy rebellious raucous disruptive unruly boisterous disobedient drunk intemperate noisy obstreperous refractory riotous stormy tumultous/tumultuous turbulent uncontrollable ungovernable unmanageable wayward uncompliant indisciplined off-base on-a-tear out-of-order termagant Disorderly antonyms
ordered organized systematic conforming manageable well-behaved arranged neat orderly systematized trim disciplined compliant obedient calm quiet Usage of Disorderly in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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