Disorganized meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disorganized
As noun : अड़ँगबड़ँग Ex:  a disorganized enterprise
अव्यवस्थित Ex:  A fun party, a celebration, a reception any disorganized चलविचल Ex:  Cancer disorganized tissue that invades लघुवृत्ति Ex:  The animated body become disorganized over time लटपटा Ex:  , a society, a nation that is disorganized विलुभित विसूत्र संदिग्घ सम्मूढ़ साबाध
Disorganized synonyms
chaotic haphazard confused muddled disordered jumbled disorderly unsystematic shuffled mixed up screwed up
Disorganized antonyms
ordered organized systematic methodical planned regulated neat systematized tidy
Usage of Disorganized in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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