Dispassionate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dispassionate
As adjective : नि-संग
निःसंग निपाख निरपख निरपच्छो निरपेक्ष उ:   यदि ईथर ही नहीं है तो निरपेक्ष मानक का भी अस्तित्व नहीं हो सकता। निष्पक्ष उ:   वह अपने संवेगों पर नियंत्रण करता है और निष्पक्ष व्यवहार करता है। मुबर्रा संयमशील
Dispassionate ki paribhasha : jise kisi baat ki apeksha ya chaah na ho jisamen apane matalab ka kuchh lagaav na ho
Dispassionate synonyms
disinterested abstract unbiased candid sober detached unemotional aloof calm cold-blooded collected composed cool fair impersonal imperturbable indifferent judicial just moderate neutral nonpartisan objective quiet serene temperate tough unflappable uninvolved unmoved unprejudiced unruffled cold-fish cool cat iceberg laid back nondiscriminatory poker-faced unexcitable unexcited couldn't care less
Dispassionate antonyms
biased interested emotional excited subjective prejudiced feeling involved moved partial passionate
Usage of Dispassionate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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