Dispel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dispel
As verb : अहुटानापु Ex:  A not enough to dispel the
इजाला Ex:  By extension, it means dispel If तितर―वितर कर देना Ex:  Drilling, dispel the darkness दूर करना Ex:  He managed to dispel the suspicions that had arisen पराकरण Ex:  Shoot, dispel the fumes of wine बिलगाना Ex:  The day came dispel illusions had enchanted my sleep मूकना मेटना मोचन रसाना लुंच, लुंचन विनयन विनिवारण विनोदन विलब्धि व्यपनुति व्यपसारण व्यवाकृति व्युदास षोषण संछेद सन्यासन सल्ब
Other : भगा देना Ex:  This failure will dispel all illusions
Dispel synonyms
resolve dismiss dissipate disperse allay eliminate oust disband eject expel disintegrate rout distribute scramble repel deploy cancel crumble scatter banish break up split up chase away beat off break it up bust up
Dispel antonyms
welcome permit accumulate garner accept keep collect gather hold take in allow recall
Usage of Dispel in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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