Disperse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disperse
As noun : तितर वितर करना Ex:  The summer will disperse this company
As verb :
अपकिरण Ex:  The police were using truncheons to disperse the mob. आस्तार Ex:  Foraging ants disperse seeds which have appendages called elaiosomes . उपकिरण Ex:  Young birds may disperse locally. चतराना Ex:  An early plan was to use 100,000 fans to disperse the gas. छिटकाना Ex:  There are also differences in the tendency to disperse based on sex छितरना Ex:  These clusters gradually disperse छितरा देना Ex:  Many animals disperse seeds छितराना Ex:  Its tracks disperse the heavy weight of the vehicle over a large area छितिराना Ex:  Action to disperse, disperse or result of this action छिहरना Ex:  If disperse leaving the ranks, or to loot or to flee छीँटना Ex:  It means even extend far disperse फैलावना Ex:  , scattered mind, the disperse too many different items बागना ‡ विकीरन विसर्जन करना विसर्जित होना
Other : तितर बितर करना Ex:  It means, in common parlance, a very fine droplets disperse liquid बिखर जाना बिखराना भंग करना हटाना
Disperse ki paribhasha : khndonya kanon ko idhar udhar phailaana .... udhar ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par karana khndon ya kanon ko giraakar idhar udhar phailaana
Disperse synonyms
break up dispel separate dissolve diffuse dislodge spray spread dissipate disband discharge vanish disappear circulate shed dismiss deal eject disseminate rout partition disburse broadcast propagate intersperse sow radiate strew scramble banish dole out split up divvy besprinkle cast forth measure out send off take off in all directions
Disperse antonyms
accumulate unite marry welcome hide garner collect gather appear arrive hold keep arrange assemble
Usage of Disperse in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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