Disposal meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिकारअ Ex: used all the resources at his disposal
अपवहन Ex: The municipality is incharge of garbage disposal in cities. गहाकी Ex: I put my car at my neighbor's disposal . गुलूखलासी Ex: Fines for not paying the disposal fee range from 200–500 Francs . छुटक, छुटका Ex: The Soviets had many military depots at their disposal छुटकारा Ex: While ostensibly putting himself at Kieft's disposal as lawyer and translator उ: यही वजह है कि मैं इन सबसे छुटकारा पाना चाहती थी"। छुटारा Ex: The city provides sewage disposal and water supply services छूटिक Ex: Baden-Powell put himself at the disposal of the War Office. निरूवार Ex: Conduit made dry stones for the disposal or management of waters निर्णोद Ex: Everything is in God's disposal निष्कासन Ex: It means, by extension who is at the disposal of an administration उ: लैंस के निष्कासन के बाद लाल प्रधान हो जाता है। निस्तारण Ex: Let someone master a thing Him abandon the free disposal उ: जल शुष्क संयंत्र यानी सोख्ते बनाकर इसका निस्तारण किया जा सकता है। प्रशमन Ex: Make disposal of property, or simply make transfer बिकिरी Ex: Make sure of something, take precautions to be its master, to have at its disposal बिक्री Ex: Medicine Wrong disposal of the body resulting from a particular affection उ: षष्ठ समिति- बिक्री कर व्यवस्था। मुकलाई Ex: Path included in a simplified manner the disposal of a building, apparatus, organ, etc मुक्तता Ex: Put a matter to someone, He entrust inspection, disposal मुक्ति Ex: Put things, places in state, Put things, places in the proper disposal at their destination उ: मुक्ति वाहिनी को भारतीय सेना ने समर्थन दिया था। मुखलिसी Ex: , have someone or something in hand, have at its disposal the मोक्ष Ex: , The disposal so that it touches the woods, marsh, etc उ: इन तीन रत्नों को मोक्ष का मार्ग बताया है। मोख Ex: The private domain of the state, the property of the nation, but, not being on government use, are at the disposal of the state and may in some cases be alienated रस्तगारी Ex: To serve you, Yours faithfully, which is used to tell someone that is at its disposal to accommodate him विनिस्तार विलासकरण वैविक्त्य व्ययन व्यवस्थापना व्यामोक व्य़ुपरम
Other : निपटान Ex: can have at its disposal उ: विवादों के निपटान के लिए ये प्रक्रियाओं का निर्धारण करते हैं। निपटाना Ex: Canon Law Privilege granted by letters of Pape any body, or any person, can appoint some benefits, or to hold them against the disposal of ordinary निपटारा Ex: Climate greatly affects the normal disposal of the body उ: इन के नेतृत्व मैं गांव के हर एक समस्याओं का निपटारा होता है। निवर्तन Ex: He left the disposal of its business in such a
Disposal ki paribhasha : thik jagah par karine se rakhana ya baithaana pichhe hataana ya lautaana kisi kaary ka aayojan akhitayaar jaisa—yah puchhane ka adhikaar tumhen nahin hai shabd kisi vastu ko spasht roop se samajhaane ki kriya kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho kisi padaarth ke beche jaane ki kriya ya bhaav
ExamplesDisposal synonyms
dumping removal disposition transfer clearance demolition destruction selling ejection sale conveyance trading dispensation relinquishment riddance sacrifice destroying jettison vending demolishing relegation transference auctioning bartering chucking discarding dispatching jettisoning junking scrapping allocation distribution control sequence array bequest arrangement division assignment determination assortment provision gift effectuation bestowal action consignment order grouping ordering placing winding up Disposal antonyms
building hold construction keeping retention beginning start Usage of Disposal in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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