Dissipate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dissipate
As noun : दूर हो जाना Ex:  It said it figuratively that softens punishment or dissipate the worries, sorrows
As verb :
अपव्यय करना Ex:  As the first mesocyclone and associated tornado dissipate अहुटानापु Ex:  Riot control agents such as CS will dissipate in an open area इजाला Ex:  Without plate tectonics to dissipate heat from its mantle उड़ा देना Ex:  Because the hurricane was expected to quickly dissipate गायब करना Ex:  As John persisted and did not dissipate as the JTWC had predicted तीन तेरह करना Ex:  In this sense, it is sometimes used transitively in the direction of Make dissipate दूर करना Ex:  It is also used in speaking of things and means If passed, dissipate , evaporate धन उडा़ना Ex:  Losing, dissipate his fortune पराकरण Ex:  S'ÉVAPORER figuratively means of lightness, a certain lightness, dissipate बिलगाना मूकना मेटना मोचन रसाना लुंच, लुंचन विनयन विनिवारण विनोदन विलब्धि व्यपनुति व्यपसारण व्यवाकृति व्युदास षोषण संछेद सन्यासन सल्ब
Dissipate ki paribhasha : rekhaa, daaga, chihn aadi ka door karana hindi ya varnamaala ka unnisavaaan vynjan aur tavarg ka chautha varn jisaka uchchaaran sthaan dntamool hai khndon ya kanon ko giraakar idhar udhar phailaana
Dissipate synonyms
deplete blow consume dump lavish misspend misuse waste squander run through throw away fritter away use up be wasteful with burn up indulge oneself kiss goodbye trifle away evaporate dispel spread disperse vanish dissolve evanesce scatter drive away melt away run dry
Dissipate antonyms
hoard accumulate save starve build collect gather appear garner assemble
Usage of Dissipate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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