Dissipation meaning in hindi
As noun : अधहपतन Ex: the dissipation of the mist
अपव्यय Ex: A reversible process is one in which this sort of dissipation does not happen. उ: अपव्यय में कानी कौड़ी भी नष्ट न होने पाए। अर्थदूषण Ex: Techniques for heat dissipation can include heatsinks and fans for air cooling इसराफ Ex: Thus began a 250-year dispute over the dissipation theory versus diversion. क्षय Ex: According to opponents of the dissipation technology उ: इसका मुख्य लक्ष्य ऊर्जा क्षय को रोकना है। क्षैष्य Ex: This is the main dissipation mechanism in the Northeast Pacific ocean. खपति Ex: be in dissipation खय Ex: Damage, dissipation चषति Ex: Finance dissipation छकार Ex: It was ruined by his dissipation ज्यानि Ex: Living in the dissipation प्रह्लास Ex: Loving dissipation फजूलखर्ची Ex: The dissipation of a student in class मिथ्य़ाव्यय Ex: The dissipation of assets, a Legacy रादजक्ष्मा Ex: The loss, dissipation of animal spirits, minds विस्त्रंस Ex: , Make life Living in the dissipation व्यसनपूर्णता संवार हति
Dissipation ki paribhasha : niti shaastr ke anusaar raaja ke RRishi, basti, durga, setu, hastibndhana, khaana, karagrahan aur sena ke samooh ashtavarg ka hraas ya naash
ExamplesDissipation synonyms
recreation tear self-indulgence circus toot bust diversion gratification bender party distraction binge celebration blow-out divertissement wingding intemperance profligacy dissolution abandonment evil extravagance dissoluteness drunkenness lavishness prodigality waste debauchery squandering self-gratification free-living high-living life in the fast lane to hell in handbasket diffusion improvidence disintegration radiation emission dispersal dispersion vanishing spread dissemination distribution scattering wastage Dissipation antonyms
unselfishness virtue work appearance moderation temperance economy saving suppression collection gathering hoarding Usage of Dissipation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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