Distance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Distance
As noun : अँतर Ex:  I could see it in the distance
अँतर Ex:  I could see it in the distance अंतर Ex:  the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers . उ:   अंतर केवल कुड़व के वजन के कारण था। अंतरख Ex:  the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers अंतरु Ex:  Flamingo birds travel a long distance to come to India in winters. अपरभाव Ex:  He is a sprinter, not a long distance runner. अलग करनाना Ex:  The distance from Indore to Bhopal is around 300 km. अलगअना Ex:  From a distance we could see the house in a state of dereliction. इख्तिलाफ Ex:  Please narrow the distance between two vehicles! छेती Ex:  Undulating hills can be seen from a distance in summer. छेती Ex:  Undulating hills can be seen from a distance in summer. दूर रखना Ex:  Keep your distance from John . दूर राकना Ex:  A great city loomed up in the distance . दूर स्थान Ex:  's death but Ford maintained his distance emotionally दूरी Ex:  In August 1892 the Avion II flew for a distance of 200 metres उ:   पहलगाम जम्मू से ३१५ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है। प्रक्रिया Ex:  Because TACANs include distance measuring equipment उ:   इस प्रक्रिया को रासायनिक प्रसंस्करण कहते हैं। प्रतिवार Ex:  This varying distance to the Sun प्रबाधन Ex:  The distance between Manila and Baler is 62 miles फ़ासलाआ Ex:  Breaking down the distance फेरफार Ex:  Cocos Island stands out because of its distance from continental landmass बिचहुत Ex:  Roads are numbered by taking the distance बीचु् Ex:  When all players in a group are within putting distance भिन्नात Ex:  The Sun's distance from the Earth is about 400 times the Moon's distance विचाल Ex:  When the Earth approaches its farthest distance from the Sun in July विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण Ex:  As the Earth approaches its closest distance from the Sun in January विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण Ex:  As the Earth approaches its closest distance from the Sun in January विभजन Ex:  The distance of the Earth from the Sun also varies during the year विभिदा Ex:  Its distance from the Sun at perihelion was 0.23 AU वैशिष्टय Ex:  Due to their great distance from the Earth व्यावृत् Ex:  A short distance from the main station is a memorial षष्टियोजनी Ex:  Covering a distance of 34 km
As verb : स्वयं को किसी से दूर करना Ex:  Wales within 13 days, a distance of 5,150 kilometres .
Other : अलग रखना Ex:  Ueshiba had already begun to distance himself from Takeda and the Daitō-ryū. दृष्टि से हटाना Ex:  Long distance switches may use a slower पीछे छोडना Ex:  The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km पीछे छोड़ना Ex:  It will have 22 stations over a distance of 20 km. फ़ासला Ex:  Prices are based on time elapsed and distance traveled. उ:   अक्सर इनके विस्फोटों के बीच में १८ से २० वर्षों का फ़ासला होता है। फासला Ex:  The distance from Guatemala City to the Central Valley of Costa Rica
Distance ki paribhasha : samaan kaaran hone se ek sa samajha jaanevaala vah snbndhasatta jisake dvaaraa, bhoota, bhavishya, vartamaan aadi ki pratiti hoti hai aur ek ghatana doosari se aage, pichhe aadi samajhi jaati hai desha, kaal ya snbndh aadi ke vichaar se bahut antar par khaaki rng ki ek prakaar ki lava chidiya raajaaon ka chanvara, chhatr aadi ka dhaaran
Usage of Distance in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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