Distribution meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Distribution
As noun : अक्षर वण्टन Ex:  The brothers are at loggerheads over the distribution of the property.
अशकरण Ex:  Income distribution often stratifies a society निदेशन Ex:  worldwide in distribution बंटन Ex:  The original distribution of 2 CVP/PDC उ:   सरलतम ची-वर्ग बंटन एक मानक सामान्य वितरण का वर्ग है। ब‌ंटाई Ex:  The geographic distribution of malaria within large regions is complex मुद्रावण्टन Ex:  Mattel handled distribution for region A वर्गणा Ex:  Little is known about their distribution in New Guinea वितरण या बाँट Ex:  Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, and servers. वितरण Ex:  It has been the most viewed Linux distribution on Distrowatch. उ:   उन्हें वहां पर पुरस्कार वितरण करना था। वितरनअ Ex:  It has distribution centers in Atlanta, Georgia, and North Bend, Washington. विधुति Ex:  British Columbia, with its own distribution centre in Toronto, Ontario. विभाजन Ex:  In terms of spermatogonia distribution उ:   कार्यों का कर्मचारियों के मध्य विभाजन करना। वैभाजित्र Ex:  In 1992, the Yggdrasil Linux distribution adopted the name "Linux/GNU/X".
Other : बँटवारा Ex:  Due to the rainfall distribution बँटाई Ex:  This traditional distribution of seats is called the "magic formula" बटवारा Ex:  The initial distribution is Pr . बाँट Ex:  Industry experts estimated distribution losses for 2006 surpassed 40% उ:   अब कंपनी के कार्यों को दो भागों में बाँट दिया गया।
Distribution ki paribhasha : chaaron or ya sab jagah phaila hua hona
Distribution synonyms
sharing transportation circulation marketing dissemination delivery handling trading disposal diffusion division apportionment assessment dole spreading partition administration dispersal propagation allotment dispensation scattering circulating rationing dealing partitioning apportioning mailing assigning alloting disposing dissipating handing out prorating placement sequence arrangement disposition organization assortment order grouping ordering
Distribution antonyms
hold unity juncture collection gathering hoard maintenance keeping retention hoarding store disorganization
Usage of Distribution in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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