Disunited meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Disunited
As noun : वरुल Ex:  It is the interest that unites and disunited princes
विभाजित उ:   इसके बाद फ्रांस १०० विभागों में विभाजित है। व्यपवृक्त ह्रित
Other : असंगठित Ex:  disunited parts of the same whole, which were joined together भेदित Ex:  His intrigues were all members of disunited this family वियोजन
Disunited ki paribhasha : jisake khnd ya hisse kiye gae hon
Disunited synonyms
disengage disconnect divide separate divorce disjoin alienate dissociate part sunder disband disjoint dissolve sever estrange
Disunited antonyms
connect unite couple link combine marry attach engage join associate
Usage of Disunited in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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