Diver meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Diver
As noun : उदकचरण Ex:  The diver went into deep-water.
गोताखोर Ex:  Bell diver, Taker diver engine where you can stay for a time underwater to perform work or to gather submerged objects पनडुब्बा Ex:  Kind of hermetically sealed unit that communicates with an air pump and allows a diver to stay underwater मंक्ता मुरजीवा
Diver synonyms
cadet marine pilot swab tarpaulin mate seafarer navigator mariner salt pirate hearty sea dog boater bluejacket shipmate windjammer middy lascar able-bodied sailor circumnavigator deck hand midshipman/woman old salt sea person shellback swabber swabbie water dog yachter seaman jack-tar
Usage of Diver in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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