Diverse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Diverse
As adjective : अतद्बान् Ex:  the neighborhood is ethnically diverse
अनरुप Ex:  The news spread in the diverse parts of the country अनीदृश Ex:  Bloemfontein has a large and diverse Christian population. अप्रतिपक्ष Ex:  The most diverse insect orders are the Coleoptera असमान Ex:  Arabic is a major source of vocabulary for languages as diverse as Berber उ:   प्रकाश की तीव्रता असमान होनेपर यह अविश्वसनीय हो जाती है। उच्चावच Ex:  Seeds are very diverse in size. धूपछाँही Ex:  It is culturally diverse नाना प्रकार के Ex:  The region is very diverse पृथगात्मा Ex:  Forest Lawn is among the most diverse areas in the city and as such बिबध Ex:  The Argentine television industry is large and diverse भिन्न भिन्न या नाना प्रकार के Ex:  Newark is New Jersey's largest and second-most diverse city भिन्न Ex:  Virginia has a diverse economy with several important industries उ:   'दिवाली' का तो इससे भिन्न अर्थ है । मुख्तलिफ Ex:  The geography of India is diverse उ:   इसकी बावक़ार और मुख्तलिफ अलनवा सक़ाफत पर मुझे नाज़ है। मुस्तशना Ex:  NJPAC also presents a diverse group of visiting artists such as Itzhak Perlman विविच्च Ex:  Russia inherited from the Soviet Union a diverse cultural heritage. विविध Ex:  Kampala has a diverse ethnic population उ:   और उसे विविध रूपों में अपनाया है। विविधतापूर्ण Ex:  It is one of the most diverse countries on Earth उ:   संस्कृत का साहित्य अत्यन्त प्राचीन, विशाल और विविधतापूर्ण है। व्यवेत Ex:  The country's geography is similarly diverse and, in places, extremely rugged.
Other : नाना Ex:  The country is notable for its diverse culture and history उ:   इसमें नाना छन्दों में १५४२ श्लोक है। भिन्न भिन्न Ex:  South Africa is ethnically diverse विभिन्न Ex:  Chennai's culture reflects its diverse population. उ:   विभिन्न ऋतुओं में तापमान में बदलाव काफी अधिक है। विविध प्रकार का Ex:  Film combines many diverse disciplines शबल Ex:  Port Moresby has a highly diverse population which primarily uses Tok Pisin
Diverse ki paribhasha : nilam ka ek dosh jisake kaaran pahananevaale ko pati, putraadi ka shok praapt hona maana jaata hai
Diverse synonyms
varied disparate distinct diversified divergent assorted contradictory contrary contrasting discrete dissimilar distant manifold miscellaneous mixed bag multifarious opposite separate several sundry unequal unlike varying differing contrasted contrastive diversiform incommensurable like night and day unalike
Diverse antonyms
like similar alike conforming identical same parallel uniform
Usage of Diverse in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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