Dizzy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dizzy
As noun : संभ्रमित Ex:  substantively, It is a dizzy, a little dizzy
As verb :
चक्कर से आक्रांत Ex:  Hofmann became dizzy and was forced to stop work. धुंधला Ex:  feel dizzy उ:   चश्में से भी रोगी को बहुत धुंधला दिखाई देता है। बेवकूफ़ Ex:  He's crazy like a young dog wants a young boy and dizzy sports विमूढ़ कर देने वाला Ex:  It now says the sheep disease that is commonly called dizzy
As adjective : चक्कर से आक्रान्त Ex:  Action Habit dizzy or lightheaded making of action चक्कर से ग्रस्त Ex:  dizzy भौचक्का करना Ex:  It is a dizzy that does not apply to
Other : भौचक्का Ex:  It is a young fool, a young dizzy
Dizzy ki paribhasha : vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho
Dizzy synonyms
giddy groggy woozy distracted shaky dumb wobbly dazed blind muddled bewildered bemused puzzled addled reeling upset befuddled disturbed dumbfounded staggering whirling faint swimming hazy out of control punch-drunk punchy tipsy unsteady vertiginous gaga dazzled blinded staggered off balance slap-happy weak in the knees weak-kneed crazy foolish silly skittish capricious changeable empty-headed fatuous fickle frivolous harebrained heady inane unstable feather-brained
Dizzy antonyms
aware understanding sensible steady clear heavy clear-headed unconfused smart unshaky clear-thinking careful wise calm serious
Usage of Dizzy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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