Do with meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Do with
As noun : अकारना Ex:  Its my private affair, you have nothing to do with it.
आसादन Ex:  I will come as soon as possibly I can.
You cant possibly think that I had anything to do with it.
उल्लुंठन Ex:  I could do with some help on this project . करना Ex:  I will just have to do with the car I now have . उ:   शासन करना उनका अधिकार है। किबो Ex:  And that has nothing to do with politics. को लेकर काम करना Ex:  The tensions over slavery had to do with the future of the state and nation. ठवनापु Ex:  The origin of cells has to do with the origin of life धरपना Ex:  Adams thought that the definition of a republic had to do with its ends पापनाशन Ex:  It teaches people lessons and it had to do with history & culture पैझना Ex:  This had nothing to do with ceremonial parades प्रातिधान Ex:  This may have had something to do with the disputes बरदास्त करना Ex:  JavaScript was developed by Netscape and it has almost nothing to do with Java बिंटना Ex:  Unsure of what to do with the band मूर्च्छन Ex:  It has everything to do with the baby. रखना Ex:  Luckily, the unit had very little medical work to do with allies उ:   इसे गाते बजाते वक्त कुछ विशेष बातों का ध्यान रखना ज़रूरी है। सन्निवेश Ex:  The studio did not know what to do with Garland सन्यासन Ex:  By extension, it means someone Indicate the day when a certain thing we will do with him or his home, the time where we require something समय गुज़ारना Ex:  Do not know what to do with one thing in से काम चला लेना Ex:  For exaggeration, she knows what to do with his arms and legs, it is extremely left हेराफेरी Ex:  He did not know what to do with his hat and gloves
Do with ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana kisi kaam ko chalaana
Do with synonyms
accomplish achieve do endure fare flourish get along get on manage muddle through prosper score thrive do well enough handle control practice adopt run work wield utilize accept employ exploit apply operate spend manipulate exhaust expend regulate exert relate bestow govern waste capitalize exercise bring into play bring to bear draw on run through take advantage of avail oneself of find a use make do with make the most of make use play on press into service put forth put into action put to use put to work set in motion turn to account
Do with antonyms
misconceive misunderstand fail misuse renounce cease reject repudiate abstain mismanage neglect let go halt stop leave alone save
Usage of Do with in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

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