Docile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Docile
As noun : अनुद्धत Ex:  Even seemingly docile dragons may become aggressive unpredictably
अनुनत Ex:  Green Tree Frogs are docile and well suited to living near human dwellings. अनुविधायी Ex:  A docile ox yoke to नतशिर Ex:  This horse, the dog is docile animals नयशील नयसील निभृत निमाणी प्रश्रयो प्रह्ल विनीत उ:   इस धारावाहिक में मुख्य भूमिका में मोहित मल्होत्रा और विनीत रैना हैं।
As adjective : अधीन Ex:  the docile masses of an enslaved nation उ:   इसे पोप इनोसेंट आठवां के अधीन गिरजाघर बनया गया। अभ्यघ्यीन Ex:  A strong student docile to the lessons of his masters आज्ञाधीन Ex:  In a docile manner कलसार Ex:  It also said figuratively and familiarly speaking of a kind and docile child, This is a real gem ग़रीब Ex:  OBEYING also means Who is subject, docile चरणगत Ex:  Quality of one who is docile दब्बू Ex:  , It is a soft wax, it handles like a wax, said of a gentle and docile child which one caught that such inclinations wants to नेक उ:   ये मुख्य रूप से नेक चन्द सैनी गार्डन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। बलिभृत वशवर्ती वश्य विधेयवर्ती विनयी शासनांतर्गत सीख सकने योग्य
Other : शिक्षणीय सीधा उ:   फिर श्वास छोड़ते हुए पीठ को नीचे भूमि पर दबाकर पूरा सीधा कर दें। सुवश्य
Docile ki paribhasha : anaaj jo braahman ya purohit aadi ko bhojanaarth diya jaata hai maarkndeyapuraan ke anusaar agnidhr ka paaanchavaaan putr jisasamen uttam shiksha ka snskaar aur shishtata ho
Docile synonyms
meek pliable gentle obedient laid-back well-behaved easygoing accommodating adaptable agreeable amenable childlike complacent cool ductile governable humble manageable mellow mild obliging orderly quiet resigned soft tame teachable tractable usable willing yielding acquiescent biddable docious easily influenced weak-kneed
Docile antonyms
determined headstrong intractable obstinate opinionated stubborn uncooperative unyielding inflexible
Usage of Docile in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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