Documentary meaning in hindi
As noun : दस्तावेज़ी Ex: The documentary showed close-up pictures of Mars.
प्रमान विषयक Ex: The Invisible Children documentary sponsored the Global Night Commute प्रलेखबद्ध Ex: In the documentary series प्रलेखी Ex: The documentary won an Emmy for Outstanding Non-Fiction Special. प्रलेखीय विपत्र Ex: A TV documentary of the West Side Story recording sessions was made in 1985 प्रलेखीय Ex: In the documentary No Direction Home रकमी Ex: This documentary was narrated by Neil Gaiman and is available on VHS tape. लिखित Ex: As a result, the documentary took six years to complete. उ: अब लिखित सूचना का प्रचलन शुरू हो गया था। लिपिबद्ध Ex: In the documentary Breakfast With Hunter उ: यह ग्रंथ फारसी भाषा में लिपिबद्ध है। लेख्यक Ex: A Canadian-made documentary लेख्यकृत Ex: Bill Henry's 1990 documentary of Fosse's work लेख्यबद्ध Ex: The most recent Australian documentary on the Tasmanian Devil विनिस्मृत Ex: The Holford plan is referenced in the short-form documentary film "Goodbye वृत चित्र Ex: The first film about the battle was a documentary directed by John Ford वृत्त चित्र Ex: It featured a 50-minute documentary on the making of the film वृत्त चित्र Ex: According to the Discovery Channel documentary
As adjective : डॉक्यूमेन्टरी Ex: I saw a documentary on the cosmos.
Other : दस्तावेजी Ex: It was also the first Indian documentary film. उ: दस्तावेजी टिकटें दस्तावेज स्थानान्तरण और बंधक पर कर आवश्यक हैं। लिखा हुआ Ex: Impressionist documentary directed by Walter Ruttmann
ExamplesDocumentary synonyms
broadcast feature film narrative information account docudrama Usage of Documentary in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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