Dogmatic meaning in hindi
As adjective : अड़बल Ex: In this dogmatic statement
अरैल Ex: Schools that utilize dogmatic औहठी Ex: By extension, dogmatic Ton कट्टर Ex: dogmatic उ: उनके शिष्यों में सूफी भी थे और कट्टर मुसलमान भी। खुदपसंद Ex: dogmatic चंडवृत्ति Ex: dogmatic छिरहा Ex: dogmatic opposition to orthodox opinions दुराग्राही Ex: dogmatic Philosopher मुतअस्सिब Ex: dogmatic philosophy, said he was opposed to skeptical philosophy to one that affirms the principles राद्धां तिक Ex: dogmatic style सखुनपरवर Ex: dogmatic Term हठधरमी Ex: It is a dogmatic हठधर्मी Ex: It is very dogmatic हठशील हठसील हठालू हठी हठील
Other : हठवादी Ex: It said in the same sense a dogmatic philosopher or, as noun, a dogmatic
Dogmatic ki paribhasha : saty asatya, uchit anuchit ka vichaar chhodkar apani baat par jame rahana
ExamplesDogmatic synonyms
stubborn fanatical categorical assertive unequivocal obstinate arbitrary intolerant emphatic arrogant bigoted bullheaded cocksure confident definite despotic determined doctrinaire domineering downright formal high and mighty imperious magisterial narrow-minded obdurate one-sided overbearing peremptory pigheaded prejudiced tenacious tyrannical egotistical dictative fascistic stiff-necked wrong-headed pragmatic a priori authoritarian authoritative axiomatic canonical deducible derivable eternal imperative inevitable oracular orthodox positive prophetic systematic theoretical unchangeable unerring unqualified reasoned as a matter of course by fiat by natural law by nature deductive doctrinal excathedra on faith Dogmatic antonyms
willing impartial ambiguous equivocal vague indefinite doubting indecisive manageable obedient skeptical submissive uncertain yielding amenable flexible questioning doubtful dubious fluctuating not positive vacillating Usage of Dogmatic in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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