Doings meaning in hindi
Other : आमाल Ex:  I was almost a sorry witness of his doings
करम Ex:  This includes the doings of Atreus and Thyestes at Argos. करम Ex:  ' All the evils that currently affect the world are the doings of Zionism. कार्यकलाप Ex:  and joke, the doings of a person's life and actions of a person उ: अन्य विषय मानव कार्यकलाप के एक भाग का अध्ययन करते हैं। चरित उ: इसमें भगवान सुतसोम की चरित वर्णित है।
Doings ki paribhasha : ganit men vah snkhya jisaka poora poora vargamool na nikal sake vah jo kaaran ka vikaar ho athava jise lakshy karake karta kriya kare
ExamplesUsage of Doings in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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