Doleful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Doleful
As noun : अंतस्तप्त Ex:  A doleful
आजुर्दा Ex:  Approach doleful आमणदूमण Ex:  It is always doleful खिन्न गमजदा दरदवंद दुखारी पर्युत्सुक प्रविषण्ण विमुद विषादित सनिर्वेद समायस्त
Doleful synonyms
afflicted cheerless crestfallen dejected depressed dismal dispirited distressing dolorous down down in the mouth downcast downhearted dreary forlorn funereal gloomy lamentable lugubrious melancholy mournful painful piteous pitiful plaintive rueful sad somber sorrowful woebegone woeful wretched cast down dirgeful dolent grieving
Doleful antonyms
cheerful elated glad gleeful joyful happy
Usage of Doleful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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