Domestication meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Domestication
As noun : गृहप्रेमी बनाना Ex:  Like some other crops of long domestication
ग्राम्यन Ex:  An early domestication of chickens in Southeast Asia is probable पालतू बनाना Ex:  It is unknown what precipitated its domestication पालतू बनाने का कार्य
Domestication synonyms
control development restraint practice self-restraint will regulation preparation self-control education method limitation strictness indoctrination willpower cultivation curb drill conduct orderliness subordination self-government exercise inculcation drilling self-command self-mastery family life staying at home instruction workout schooling teaching guidance foundation basics seasoning upbringing tuition background buildup groundwork tutelage coaching principles tune-up grounding preliminaries warm-up sharpening readying chalk talk
Domestication antonyms
agitation ignorance chaos disorganization negligence award reward confusion disorder neglect permissiveness destruction
Usage of Domestication in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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