Dominate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dominate
As verb : अँटना Ex:  The industrially developed countries dominate the third world countries.
अधिकार मे Ex:  Computer will dominate towards the end of the century. अधिकार रखना Ex:  The North Shore Mountains dominate the cityscape अधिशासित रखना Ex:  Governments have a tendency to dominate the legislative functions of Parliament छा जाना Ex:  Subtropical plants dominate the north दुपकना Ex:  Italian opera continued to dominate most of Europe पर शासन करना Ex:  Beethoven and Meyerbeer, continued to dominate the musical stage in England. पासरणा Ex:  Large chiefdoms began to dominate considerable areas of the island. प्रभुत्व रखना Ex:  The heights dominate the plains below. प्रमुख होना Ex:  It was expected that Adams would dominate the votes in New England वर्चस्व रखना Ex:  King continued to dominate the organization. शासन करना Ex:  Northwesterly winds dominate in most parts of Tbilisi throughout the year. सन्निवेश Ex:  The two teams dominate the Cypriot Football हावी होना Ex:  Two varieties dominate the Hanoi scene: Phở Bò
Dominate ki paribhasha : pradhaan hone ka bhaava, dharma, kaary ya pad
Dominate synonyms
control run lead overshadow manage influence command dictate monopolize prevail head handle preponderate outshine overrule eclipse direct reign boss tyrannize domineer subjugate predominate sway subject overbear call the shots detract from have upper hand hold sway over keep under thumb lay down the law lead by the nose play first fiddle prevail over rule the roost run the show sit on top of superabound have one's way overlook survey overtop bestride overlie look down upon loom over stand over
Dominate antonyms
obey surrender follow lose mismanage neglect submit go along yield be below
Usage of Dominate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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