Doormat meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Doormat
As noun : कमज़ोर Ex:  ramesh is becoming doormat as he is being abused by everyone. उ:   धीरे-धीरे बतिस्ता की सत्ता पर पकड़ भी कमज़ोर होती गयी।
पायदान उ:   इस में अमरीका पहले पायदान पर रहा था। पावरी
Doormat synonyms
drudge domestic valet butler retainer subordinate attendant steward underling factotum flunkey slave stooge dependent parasite follower groupie puppet flatterer fan hanger-on flunky brownnoser backscratcher backslapper bootlicker fawner yes-man/woman sitting duck fool sucker pushover gull schmuck dupe victim chump boob sap weakling pigeon fall guy sacrifice another's action boob adulator politician groveler handshaker apple polisher ass-kisser doter kiss-up teacher's pet apple-polisher cinch mug soft touch easy pickings easy touch jay prize sap trusting soul place mat doily floor covering place setting table mat table runner camp follower pawn assenter kowtower sheep
Doormat antonyms
boss manager master leader
Usage of Doormat in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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