Dot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dot
As noun : आलयम Ex:  Dots are important in a graphor geometry
Join up the dots to complete the drawing
A dot is used as a full stop at the end of a sentance
The island was just a dot in the occan
घेर लेना Ex:  The students wre asked to dot the cities in the map. चिंतावेश्म Ex:  I'll be there at noon on the dot . चित्या Ex:  Hajjaj ibn Yusuf: a dot above = चिन्ह Ex:  The remains of old churches dot the central cityscape. उ:   यह एक हिन्दू चिन्ह की तरह भी प्रयुक्त होता है। छोटी वस्तु Ex:  Small islands dot the continental rims. जागाहपु Ex:  Numerous mosques and churches dot the capital. ठह Ex:  The dot product is a typical example of an inner product. ठहियाँ Ex:  In a random dot autostereogram ठही Ex:  Many smaller fountains dot the streetscape throughout the district. ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex:  Numerous statues and memorials dot the cities ठाँम Ex:  Man-made reservoirs dot Montana's rivers ठाँयँ Ex:  His gravestone bears a circle with a dot in the centre ठामपु Ex:  The middle dot is not used to indicate matrix multiplication . ठारपु Ex:  A white dot ठाव Ex:  A white dot is followed by three black ठिन Ex:  Assign the dot ठोड Ex:  Constitute a dowry, be such amount as inheritance dowry establish a dowry, assign a dot on such funds on such property ठौहर Ex:  Do not ring a letter to Do dot or scarcely feel डड़ियाना Ex:  dot Supplement थंड Ex:  In mathematics, the dot and the line are beings of reason थहण Ex:  In terms of Couture, he said, by extension, a dot row which set the lining of cloth and keep it from wrinkling थाँण Ex:  It is said that by talking a little dot that remains the property of the woman, although her husband shared the enjoyment and the administration is थाय Ex:  It should be with this man to dot the i, it must be with him a scrupulous accuracy; and, in another sense, we must take with him the greatest precautions दशमलव बिन्दु Ex:  Jurisprudence which compared to the dot देवभवन Ex:  Measure six to eight, two-time measure that has the black dot for time unit and is composed of six eighth notes धिष्णय Ex:  Providing a dot निपाना Ex:  Providing dot परिवहन विभाग Ex:  Put the dot the i पोजीशन Ex:  Sew great points, dot folded बनवना ‡पु Ex:  Take laughing something, not to dot angry, not to do बनाना Ex:  The arms of engravers dot to denote gold in patches उ:   इसे बनाना बिरयानी की तरह मुश्किल नहीं है। बनावना Ex:  The balance of the dot बिंदु लगाना Ex:  There are more than a black dot on the horizon बिन्दी Ex:  We put a dot over the i, except when it is capitalized उ:   माथे के आभूषण टीका या माँगटीका, झूमर और बिन्दी थे। बिन्दु लगाना Ex:  Who likes to dot to resume, which raises difficulties in the smallest things, which is likely, requiring the company बिन्दु Ex:  Writing system, raised dot that is used by blind, so called after its inventor उ:   उस बिन्दु से समय का आकलन किया जाता है। बिन्दुकित करना Ex:  , Put the dot the i, to be accurate, rigorous accuracy रुपायन विंटक वेढ शय्यागृह शालिकी सरजाना सिताँ स्थान उ:   इसी स्थान पर उन्होंने मेघदूतम की रचना की थी। स्थानपाल स्थानाश्रय स्थाम हौश
As verb : जगह जगह फैलाना Ex:  Another 113 fishing villages dot the hinterland. बिन्दु से चिह्नित करना Ex:  With this man it is necessary to dot the i, must be clear with him, take him with the greatest precautions
Other : बिंदी Ex:  The stars dot the sky बिंदु Ex:  This ship no longer seems like a dot on the horizon उ:   उन्होंने उसे लगभग मारने के बिंदु तक पीटा। बुंदा Ex:  , which has a black dot in the middle where it is विंदु उ:   ऐसे विंदु को स्टेशन कहते हैं।
Dot ki paribhasha : kaan ka ek aabhooshan kisi satah ke oopar thodi door tak phaila hua aisa sthaan jo satah ke rng ke mel men na ho aur bhadda lagata ho vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake
Dot synonyms
droplet fleck speck dab tittle jot mote particle point period grain atom circle mite iota pinpoint flyspeck sprinkle stud stipple freckle dabble pimple pepper bespeckle
Usage of Dot in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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