Doubtful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Doubtful
As adjective : अनिश्चित Ex:  Do you know that her daughter-in-law was doubtful of morning sickness.
अनुपन्यास Ex:  The applicability of this condition is doubtful . अप्रतीयमान Ex:  The correctness of his statement is doubtful अभिशंका Ex:  His family and friends were doubtful he would succeed but in 1984 अविशंका Ex:  This anecdote is somewhat doubtful इहतिमाल Ex:  Several doubtful stories of cannibalism were recorded by chroniclers उत्त Ex:  Do you doubt my solvency? Its solvency is known, is very doubtful उभयसंभव Ex:  doubtful Day Low Day, the degree of light that forms the transition from day to night or night to day दुचिताईपु Ex:  Including the two genres is doubtful दूझ Ex:  It also means decide a doubtful case a question द्वंद्वभूत Ex:  It is doubtful he comes द्विधाद्वंद्व Ex:  It is said to similar effect Light, doubtful light प्रतर्कना Ex:  It was particularly among the casuists, mental action, by which, in a doubtful or bad act, its intention to a good end is directed बद्धिभेद Ex:  One compromise that puts bad and doubtful Affairs बिचहुत Ex:  The night Board door must wait until tomorrow to take a resolution on a doubtful case भरभ Ex:  We say the same, this story, this new is questionable, it is doubtful विचरित Ex:  a doubtful success विचिकित्सित Ex:  adverbe doubtful meaning That may विशयी Ex:  In terms of versification, Vowel doubtful, doubtful syllable, one that is long or short in verse, according to the place it occupies y वैधुर्य व्यभिचरण शंकास्पद शक्क संकसुक संदिग्ध उ:   कि इस संख्या में संदिग्ध भी शामिल हैं। संदिहान संदेह उ:   लिवरपूल खिलाड़ियों के एक नंबर पर संदेह था। संदेहपूर्ण संशयापन्न संशयास्पद संशयोपेत संशायित संशीति ससंशय सहृल्लेख सांशयिकत्व सांशायिक स‌ंदेहपूर्ण स‌ंदेहात्मक हेतुदृष्टि
Other : चिंतनीय Ex:  His right is doubtful चिंत्य Ex:  I final is doubtful in the Latin words mihi, tibi, etc संदेहात्मक उ:   परन्तु यह तथ्य सटीक होने में संदेहात्मक प्रतीत होता है। संशयात्मक
Doubtful ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo kisi padaarth ki vaastavikata ke vishay men sthir na ho
Doubtful synonyms
indecisive unsure problematic insecure suspicious precarious dubious uneasy unstable hazy undecided unsettled uncertain dicey debatable ambiguous borderline chancy contingent disreputable equivocal far-fetched fat chance fishy hazardous iffy inconclusive indefinite indeterminate indistinct long shot obscure open pending shady sneaky speculative suspect touch-and-go touchy clouded dubitable doubtable impugnable on thin ice unconfirmed up for grabs skeptical hesitant tentative puzzled agnostic confused disconcerted distracted distrustful disturbed doubting faithless hesitating irresolute lost perplexed questioning theoretical troubled unresolved vacillating wavering unconvinced baffled discomposed faltering flustered in a quandary in clouds in dilemma like doubting thomas not following of two minds without belief
Doubtful antonyms
determined undoubted settled trustworthy trusty stable confirmed unquestionable believing confident convinced trusting certain definite sure secure safe strong clear decided exact resolved indubious decisive
Usage of Doubtful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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