Downfall meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Downfall
As noun : अधहपात Ex:  His downfall was caused by gambling.
अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  Following President Sukarno's downfall in the mid-1960s अवपतन Ex:  After Oscar's downfall चषति Ex:  Later this proved to be their downfall पतन Ex:  The Great Depression caused the downfall of Leguía उ:   १८१२ में रूस पर आक्रमण करने के बाद फ्रांस का बड़ी तेजी से पतन हुआ। प्रच्चय Ex:  Until the downfall of the monarchy in 1966 प्रपतन Ex:  It fell so low that it no longer even feel his downfall प्रभंश प्रमय भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन विस्त्रंस स्खल स्रस
Other : गिरावट Ex:  This defeat led to the downfall and exile of Alcibiades. उ:   २००६ में गरीबी दर में भी गिरावट हुई लेकिन फिर भी ये ३८% तक बनी रही।
Downfall ki paribhasha : chhode hue baan ko phir vaapas lena udta hua ya udnevaala
Downfall synonyms
breakdown undoing collapse debacle deterioration overthrow destruction ruination discomfiture comeuppance comedown descent deluge flood drop decadence cloudburst bane failure storm fall atrophy degeneracy declension degeneration rack and ruin devolution on the rocks road to ruin the skids
Downfall antonyms
building improvement increase morality accomplishment success creation construction ascent fortune rise
Usage of Downfall in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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