Downright meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Downright
As adjective : नितान्त उ:   वे अब भी हैं किन्तु नितान्त उपेक्षित और भग्नावस्था में विद्यमान हैं।
पूर्ण रूप से या स्पष्टवादी
As adverb : एककलम Ex:  He isnt an idiot, but he is downright cunning. एकदम Ex:  The idea that I helped to plan it is downright absurd". उ:   टाइगर मोथ एकदम लाल रंग का होता है। निछान Ex:  Cut something downright पूरी तरह से बलीयस् भूरपूर
Downright synonyms
outright damned blatant blunt categorical certain clear complete explicit flat gross honest indubitable open out-and-out plain positive simple sincere straight straightforward sure thoroughgoing total unequivocal unmitigated unqualified unquestionable utter whole undisguised
Usage of Downright in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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