Drag feet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drag feet
As noun :
टाल मटोल करना
Drag feet synonyms
hinder clog chain encumber repress bind manacle leash check restrict trammel shackle hobble restrain curb confine hamstring hang up hold captive put straitjacket on throw monkey wrench in lengthen draw out stretch pad protract fill drag out prolongate let out put rubber in spin out drag one's feet last widen boost broaden develop enlarge increase spread continue take go on enhance open expand supplement augment magnify dilate mantle unfurl unroll unfold multiply heighten aggrandize amplify add to beef up carry on crane fan out run on spread out string out coast diddle doodle fool around hang around horse around mess around shirk slack bum around dog it featherbed fiddle around fluff off hang out lollygag monkey around putz around screw off take it easy inhibit thwart stymie prevent handicap inconvenience retard frustrate hold up block foil bar cramp balk baffle embarrass entangle tie up get in the way interfere with slow down cramp one's style tie one's hands slacken wane fall off trail decrease falter diminish fail shuffle ebb slouch jelly dawdle poke dillydally idle lounge plod tail inch limp tool stay flag straggle saunter trudge linger stagger loiter hang back be behind get no place fast inch along lose strength slow up cut off stonewall impede obscure shield terminate close hide arrest crab occlude congest stop interrupt throttle plug stopper mask choke barricade foul up weigh down sandbag monkey with shut off hesitate defer suspend temporize cool goldbrick pause adjourn postpone wait shilly-shally be dilatory give the run around hang fire hold off let slide play a waiting game play for time perpetuate delay let it ride make longer stretch out shelve reschedule hold over lay over prorogue put back halt filibuster fence die equivocate prevaricate brake stand hedge still quibble shut down avoid the issue beat around the bush not move stand off stand still take one's time visit abide lodge dwell sojourn remain goof around hold the phone lose time stick around stop over warm a chair
Drag feet antonyms
aid assist permit release expedite liberate loosen allow encourage help promote free let go shorten curtail constrict abbreviate contract narrow restrict compress hinder decrease lessen cease discontinue abridge hide degrade condense cut take back halt end stop diminish lower reduce shrink lose close finish hold keep maintain facilitate further benefit abet explain advance forward push support open unfasten untie grow increase enlarge complete hasten hurry raise develop expand run rise rush do tiptoe leave unblock uncover unmask unstop lay bare begin start unplug reveal boost clear persist carry out accelerate go ahead quicken forge accomplish achieve succeed face meet move depart carry on
Usage of Drag feet in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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