Dramatic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dramatic
As noun : आदीपक Ex:  The carp is strongly implicated in the dramatic loss in waterweed
उत्तेजक Ex:  The Aztec people also enjoyed a type of dramatic presentation उ:   इसके पत्ते उत्तेजक एवं स्तंभक माने जाते है। मुहर्रिक Ex:  Gas never reproduced the dramatic success of 22 April 1915 संधुक्षण Ex:  Bangkok went through dramatic changes. समादापक Ex:  Other species have seen dramatic declines in population
As adjective : अचिंतनीय Ex:  A dramatic entrance in a swirling cape
A dramatic sunset
अचिंतित Ex:  shes a dramatic slammer of doors अचींतिया Ex:  The dramatic reversal of their parts created a problem.
Her luck suffered a cruel reversal.
Reversal of her role with husband makes every body laugh.
अप्रकरण Ex:  The loser team staged a dramatic recovery in the second half of the match. आकस्मिक Ex:  Roger tends toward the dramatic . उ:   खाँसी ताप के आकस्मिक परिवर्तन तथा जाड़े में बढ़ जाती है। आरिजी Ex:  There were also dramatic presentations that included players नाटक स‌ंब‌ंधी Ex:  1947, he began receiving injections and he responded with dramatic improvement. नाटकीय Ex:  Columbia Studios released the dramatic nuclear war thriller Fail-Safe. उ:   ऐसे नाटकीय वैसे ही पर्रदर्शन नहीं हो रहे हैं । प्रभावन Ex:  The dramatic works of Eliot are less well known than his poems. प्रभावशाली Ex:  It features dramatic pitons and mornes. उ:   वे वेदान्त के विख्यात और प्रभावशाली आध्यात्मिक गुरु थे। प्रयोजक Ex:  This had dramatic effects on both continents. समावी Ex:  There were often dramatic stand-offs with segregationist authorities. हठिक Ex:  Like Ibsen's other dramatic works
Other : नाट्य Ex:  The 1967 war led to a dramatic increase in the number of Palestinians उ:   नाट्य और नृत्त, दृश्य काव्य के ये दो भेद हैं। नाट्योचित Ex:  Helens eruptions have had a dramatic effect on the lives of local inhabitants.
Dramatic ki paribhasha : jisake hone ka pahale se anumaan na ho vegon ko tivr karanevaala
Dramatic synonyms
sensational startling breathtaking thrilling impressive striking tense powerful climactic theatrical melodramatic sudden tragic emotional comic vivid affecting effective expressive farcical histrionic thespian electrifying suspenseful tragicomic
Dramatic antonyms
ineffective comedic unexciting unmoving usual ugly unimpressive weak calm normal ordinary untheatrical undramatic
Usage of Dramatic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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