Drastically meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drastically
As noun : ज़बर्दस्त रूप से Ex:  The treaties also drastically reshaped Eastern Europe.
Other :
तीक्ष्णता से Ex:  Epidemics of these can drastically reduce wolf populations in a given area.
Drastically synonyms
utterly awfully excessively remarkably unduly overly too acutely very uncommonly quite intensely highly totally severely exceptionally extraordinarily exceedingly unusually almighty markedly mortally notably plenty powerful radically rarely too much ultra violently overmuch parlous terrifically immensely strikingly hugely inordinately exorbitantly immoderately prohibitively surpassingly to nth degree vitally decidedly badly mightily desperately thoroughly seriously notoriously greatly dreadfully unbelievably fearfully unfortunately unhappily horribly frightfully discouragingly disturbingly gravely staggeringly
Drastically antonyms
incompletely little mildly moderately calmly trivially
Usage of Drastically in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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