Draught meaning in hindi
As noun : अनावृष्टि Ex: The wages at times of draught have fallen through the floor.
कठबेर खुराक़ गूँट घूँट झँका झंपन झटक झरपपु झोँटा झोंका डिब्बाबंद उ: डिब्बाबंद सालमन की हड्डी में कैल्शियम की मात्रा बहुत अधिक होती है। डुबाव ढोना तरल दवा धूर्कर प्रारूप तैयार करना भरती करना भारवहन उ: अनुकूलित प्लाईवुड उत्पादन के पास उच्च भारवहन क्षमता है। भारवाही रिस्क वातपात वातप्रवाह वायु का झोंका शोध उ: यह स्वतंत्र शोध का विषय है।
Other : खिंचाव
Draught ki paribhasha : bojh laadakar le jaana jisaka paani nikala, ud ya jal gaya ho khinchakar athava sir ya kndhe par laadakar ek jagah se doosari jagah le jaana ek prakaar ka ped ya jhaad jo bngaal ko chhodkar bhaaratavarsh ke bahut se sthaanon men hota hai
ExamplesDraught synonyms
mug drink bowl beaker chalice grail vessel teacup cannikin goblet stein tumbler cupful taster demitasse tide flood river stream rush run progression jet juice drift spate course flux ebb and flow tidal motion shot measurement application lot prescription quantity hit fix share dram nip slug fill dosage spoonful mouthful gasp swig choke swill elixir cordial tonic mixture libation spirits liquid liquor medicine remedy draft brew restorative stimulant aromatic philter wisp pull draw emanation gust flurry waft breath drag smoke flatus grip purchase stress strain absorption stretch adherence adhesion suck contraction drawing constriction suction resorption haulage towage pulling hint fume odor scent trifle snuff sniff trace dash smack shade blast soupã§on inhalation air gale breeze cyclone blow whisk flutter typhoon tempest whirlwind wafting zephyr chinook mistral Draught antonyms
nibble slipperiness lot calm Usage of Draught in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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