Drawer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Drawer
As noun : अक्कास Ex:  He is not a good drawer
आदेशक Ex:  He chucked away his clothes in a drawer . आहरणकत्‍ता Ex:  He crammed his drawer with his socks . आहर्ता Ex:  I opened the drawer and a mouse popped out . कक्षावेक्षक Ex:  A drawer several compartments कसनेवाला Ex:  Empty the drawer कसया Ex:  Fracture drawer उ:   कसया नामक कस्बा इसका मुख्यालय है जो कुशीनगर से सटा हुआ है। खींचने वाला Ex:  Furniture made of several drawer tablets in which are small pieces cut hollow, round and of different sizes, suitable for receiving medals चातकार Ex:  He said he was once a drawer of cupboard where we squeezed papers चिट्रकार Ex:  Opening, closing a drawer चित्रकर Ex:  Put the papers in a drawer चित्रकर्मी Ex:  The closing of a door, a cabinet, a drawer चित्रकार Ex:  , drawer room, theater play whose scenes, though united by a common bond, often very light, do not take to each other and do not form an action उ:   ये दोनों चित्रकार डॉक्टर टॉमस मनरो के निवासस्थान पर मिला करते थे। चित्रकृत् Ex:  The drawer and endorsers of a bill of exchange are secured guarantees of acceptance and payment at maturity चित्रलेखक चित्रशिल्पी चेक काटने वाला चैक कर्ता चैक लिखने वाला तसबीरगर तौलिक तौलिकिक दराज उ:   लगाया गया था , जो दूर दराज से भी दिखाई देते है। दराज़ नक्शानवीस बिलकर्त्‍ता मुसव्विर मुसौवर रँगधर रंगजीवक लिखता उ:   केवल नाटक लिखता है और राजन उसमें पैसों की मदद करता है। लेखीवाल वर्णचारक वोरक हुंडी कर्ता हुंडीकर्त्‍ता
Drawer ki paribhasha : anushthaan karanevaala chhaati aur pedou ke bich ka sthaan kisi prakaar ka naksha likhane ya banaanevaala mej men laga hua sndookanuma khaana jisamen kuchh vastu rakhakar taala laga sakate hain
Drawer synonyms
bin crate crib wallet sheath integument receptacle compact casket baggage wrapper chest chamber folder carton grip shell cartridge safe envelope cabinet capsule chassis coffer trunk holder box casing covering caisson jacket suitcase basket tray crating wrapping caddy scabbard canister
Usage of Drawer in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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